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Angel of Darkness Books 1-5 Page 5
Angel of Darkness Books 1-5 Read online
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"We can't let them eat her!"
"Shut up." Zeriel clamped his hand over Jaylen's mouth and pulled him down to the ground. He held him prone under his arms. "What is wrong with you? Yes, you have two angels with you, but two angels don't stand a chance against an entire coven of vampires. There have to be at least a hundred of them down there."
"Okay, okay. Let me up. You're hurting me."
"Nope. You stay down there."
Jaylen let out a pained whimper as he struggled to breathe.
Oviel yanked Zeriel off of him. "Don't kill the boy. You forget how strong you are compared to humans. Jaylen, are you okay?"
Gasping for air and clutching his chest, Jaylen rolled over on his back and bit his fist to keep from groaning in pain. He had to remain silent, despite his agony. Strong hands helped him sit up and rubbed his ribs. When he opened his eyes, he was looking up into the white eyes of Zeriel.
"I'm so sorry, Jay." Zeriel whispered to him and continued to massage his sides. "I often forget how strong I am. Are you all right?"
"I'm fine, just hurting."
"I'll make it up to you. I didn't mean to hurt you."
"I know." Jaylen stood up and fixed his armor. "You didn't mean to do that, but I did mean to do this." He drew his sword and screamed as loud as he could above the crowds of vampires. "Let her go!"
Zeriel and Oviel both jumped into action, trying to pull Jaylen away from the now screeching vampires and towards the tunnel to leave. "Come on, Jaylen!"
Jaylen struggled and slipped out of their grasp. He had to stop the vampires and save the woman. That's what it meant to be a paladin. He wasn't going to let two angels stand between him and enacting justice against the demonic beings. Jaylen was determined to atone for his father's sins. As the two angels called after him, he held up his sword and vaulted over the edge of the cliff.
He cried out as the razor-sharp claws of the vampires pierced into his arms. In a flash of darkness and red glowing eyes, his sword was torn from his grasp and the chanting began again all around him. The last things he knew were being pushed down to the floor of the cavern and hundreds of hands grabbing him. A long needle glinted in the red mage-glow as it was shoved into the side of his neck. The world went black.
* * *
"Let me go!" Zeriel hit at Oviel who pushed him through the invisible door to the coven and they both fell down into the snow. He scrambled to his feet and spun around, frantically searching for the door. "Where did it go? Where's the door, Oviel? You have to tell me. We can't leave Jaylen in there!"
"We're going back to Ilyan. We can get some reinforcements to come get him."
"No! He's under my protection."
"And I have my own paladin to think about. I can't risk my life for yours. Listen to me. I will go get help. With ten more angels, we can storm the coven and rescue Jaylen."
"We don't have that kind of time." Zeriel said. "You saw how ravenous they were. They'll drain everything from him."
"He's pure and blessed by Sola. His light magic will work on its own to fend them off for a while. If they want to eat his blood, they will have to first drain him of his magic."
Zeriel stopped and let his mage-glow fade. "What did you say?"
"They'll drain his magic. It's not a pretty sight, but it buys us some time. Now, come on."
"And what if Jaylen isn't pure?"
Oviel's mood immediately darkened. "What do you mean?"
"N-nothing. Forget it. Let's go."
Oviel spread his wings out to push Zeriel backwards. "One second. Why would you even ask that question? What have you done to your paladin?"
"I didn't do anything. It was just a question."
"I've known you for many, many years. You don't ask stupid questions if you don't have something to hide. What are you hiding, Zeriel? Don't tell me you did what I think you did. We know about your probation and we know that you're not on perfect terms with Sola and the Angelic Court. You didn't do what I think you did. Tell me you didn't do it. Tell me you're not Fallen."
Zeriel watched his normally calm and composed friend begin to break down in front of him. Fallen? Why would he think Zeriel was Fallen? "No. Absolutely not. I made a mistake a few years ago and I'm in the process of atoning. I've already had most of my privileges taken away as punishment. There is no way I'm Fallen. It hurts me that you would even suggest that. What have I ever done to deserve you calling me Fallen?"
"I'm sorry. It's just the rumors . . ."
Zeriel took his friend's wings in his hands and rubbed them comfortingly. "Look at me. On my honor as a Holy Angel, I swear to you that I am not Fallen. I'm just on probation and losing some of my feathers because I'm away from Sola."
"So the smell . . ."
"Glue. I've been trying to glue my feathers back on."
Oviel's face softened as he gently stroked the long pinion feathers of Zeriel's wings. "They'll grow back once Sola deems you worthy again."
"I am following her orders directly and doing my duty to please her again whenever I get time away from Jaylen. I have my directive and I am fulfilling my sentence without failure. I'm no enemy of the council or Sola. Why would I bond with a paladin and go through all of this if I wasn't trying to gain forgiveness?"
"I guess you're right. I apologize for believing the rumors over you. You're my friend and I feel terrible. Come on. Let's fly back to Ilyan and gather up a group of angels. We will save your paladin, no matter what it takes."
Chapter 7
When Jaylen woke up, he found himself secured by heavy chains around his ankles and wrists. He was face-down on the same black altar that the woman was secured to earlier. The stone was cold against his bare chest and he gritted his teeth as the needle-like fingernails of the vampires prodded the same spot on his back. What were they looking at? The bigger question was what did Jaylen get himself into? Why had he been so stupid? A paladin couldn't take on an entire coven of vampires. Now the woman was probably dead anyway and he was about to join her. Something was preventing his light magic from doing anything. These demonic creatures shouldn't have been able to touch him. Unless they drained his magic. But he knew that would cause him to be extremely weak. No, that didn't happen.
Someone pushed through the masses of black robes and glowing red eyes. "Out of the way, you animals!"
Jaylen moved his head around as best as he could to look up from the altar. He knew that voice from somewhere. He frowned and pulled against the chains once the crowd separated and a thin man with a white mask bowed in front of the altar. Incubus.
"Look at what the vampires dragged in." The incubus moved around the altar with a large grin across his face and his pointed white teeth glimmering in the red mage-glow. "You're that young paladin of Zeriel's. Oh, what was your name? Jaylen, was it? Yes, Jaylen. This is a tricky situation you've gotten yourself into, isn't it?"
"What are you doing here?"
"That's not a very nice way to talk to your newest friend."
There was no way that Jaylen was going to call this demon a friend. "You're not my friend, demon!"
"For a little boy who is chained to an altar with over a hundred vampires hungrily licking their lips, you need all the friends you can get, wouldn't you think? So, tell me. Where is your angel?"
"I don't know. I think he left."
"Of course he did. And you're ready to leave this place as well, aren't you?"
"Are you a vampire?" Jaylen asked.
"See, there was a reason you first thought I was a vampire. Because I smell like a white vampire, don't I? I'll let you in on my little secret." The incubus leaned close and hissed into Jaylen's ear. "These mindless beings think that I'm one of them. They actually believe that I am an ancient vampire lord who came back to them. If you haven't realized it yet, vampires aren't the brightest creatures in the otherworld. Once they taste human blood, they slowly devolve into bloodthirsty leeches."
"You're no better, demon."
"Again with the name-cal
ling. Tisk tisk. You need my help, boy. My services come cheaply enough."
"Not for me. I've taken vows of chastity and those apply to your dark powers as well. I'm not interested in being physical with you in any way."
"What?" Jaylen asked.
"My name is Gavin."
"Gavin the incubus? Are you serious?"
Gavin's flittering giggling scratched against Jaylen's ears. "Of course I'm serious. Incubi have names too. So, tell me, Jaylen. Are you ready to get out of this awful place?"
"Not with you. What do you want from me anyway?"
"I already have what I want from you in the long run, paladin. My thrall made sure of that. But that's a discussion for another time. All I want in exchange for getting you out of here and back to your cozy house in Ilyan is one of Zeriel's feathers."
"Why do you want an angel feather?"
"Why does it matter? It doesn't hurt you, and Zeriel isn't using it anymore. I don't even need it right now. I'll come back at a later date to get my payment from you. No matter where you go, I will always find you, darling."
Gavin placed his bony finger against Jaylen's lips. "Shh . . . shh. All will be explained in time."
"What is on my back?"
"What do you mean?" Gavin asked.
"The vampires were poking something and whispering happily. What did they do to my back?" Jaylen asked.
"I see. Nothing at all. Let's get you dressed and back to Ilyan."
"I can't find my way back on my own. We flew here, so I don't know how far out we are."
Gavin unlocked the chains and helped Jaylen sit up. "I'll take you there. My ride is out back."
Jaylen pulled his clothes and armor back on. "You have a horse?"
"Not exactly."
* * *
Zeriel stormed out of the temple and kicked over one of the golden braziers on the front steps. "I'm a Holy Angel for Sola's sake! You'd think that meant something to these idiots."
"Calm down." Oviel chased after him through the falling snow. "We'll figure out something else."
"Why won't they listen to me?"
"Because calling a full Angelic Court meeting is incredibly difficult, especially just to rescue one paladin."
Zeriel growled in frustration as he punched the street sign, sending splintered wood into the snow. "What did I do wrong? I tried everything I could think of to get through to them. They hate Jaylen. That's what it is. No, they don't trust me after the whole Doran incident."
"Just stop yelling. You are being ridiculous. You get onto Jaylen for making a scene in public, but then you go and throw a fit like this? You're no better than he is."
"Don't talk to me like that!" Zeriel jumped towards his friend, but then stopped as he landed. Three feathers drifted slowly down to land by his feet. He sighed and picked them up. "I have to stay calm, or this will continue to happen faster. Now that I'm thinking about it, I shouldn't be out here in the snow. Snow melts."
"Talking about the glue you are using to keep some of your feathers attached?"
"Sure. Let's go with that. Come with me back to the house."
"What about Jaylen?" Oviel asked.
"I don't know, okay? Damn it. I don't know. How could he have done something so stupid?"
"Like father, like son?"
"Doran never did this kind of stuff. He was practical, planned, and examined every side of his actions."
"Except when he was drinking."
Zeriel took off walking towards the house. "Yes, except when he was drinking. I hope every day that Jaylen doesn't start down that path. I mean, look at the chances. His father was an alcoholic and his mother was addicted to drugs, then overdosed and died from it."
"You can't think that way. Jaylen is a good kid."
"I hope that doesn't change to was."
What sounded like a high-pitched lion's roar echoed above the city gates as the fluttering of wings blew snow from up in the sky. Once the sounds grew closer, the creature emerged into the orange haze of mage-glow and Zeriel raised an eyebrow curiously at the large eagle with the hind legs of a lion. Where did that come from? There must have been another rift to the otherworld that no one knew about.
"What is that?" Oviel asked.
"A gryphon."
"No, I know that. What's on its back? Is that . . . that's the incubus from the other night at the dance."
"And Jaylen!" Zeriel flew over to the gryphon and took Jaylen in his arms. "Jaylen, you're okay. Divine Sola, thank you!"
The incubus leaned back in the saddle and put his arms behind his head. "You should be thanking me, angel."
"Never. What did you do to Jaylen, demon?"
"My name is Gavin."
"I don't care what your name is. I don't trust incubi, and I don't trust a man who never takes his mask off."
"I like my mask. It makes me feel mysterious."
Zeriel carried his paladin away from the gryphon and held him close to his chest. "Jaylen, are you all right? That incubus didn't try to do anything to you, did he?"
"No. I'm fine. I didn't find the people, though."
"The people?"
"The family members of the paladins that the vampires took. I failed. Once again, I failed."
"After all this, you are still concerned with that?" Zeriel asked.
"I'm a paladin. I have to put my mission first."
Gavin petted his gryphon's neck with his gloved hands. "Those people were eaten a long time ago. You were at least two days too late to save any of the ones from this city. The woman Jaylen tried to save was just some peasant girl the vampires found out in the fields. And before you ask, yes, I do know who has been leading the vampires into the city. But information like that comes with a price."
Zeriel glared at the incubus whose vibrant red hair had fallen out from under his hood. "I don't make deals with demons."
"You did at the dance, remember? Or does your angelic mind only record the things you choose to remember? We're not so different, you and I. And neither is your paladin, after my thrall . . . well, you already know, don't you?"
Oviel joined Zeriel's side. "What is he talking about? His thrall? Incubus-"
Gavin held up his hand to interrupt him. "Gavin."
"Fine. Gavin, what are you talking about? You have a thrall?"
Gavin jumped from the back of his gryphon and backed away from Zeriel cautiously. "Had. I had a demon thrall that someone here decided to kill in an abandoned castle not too far from here that I had been using for alchemical research. You know, like potions and poisons and ethers."
Suddenly, all the pieces locked into place. Zeriel handed Jaylen to Oviel. "Take Jaylen to the house and get him into bed. I have an incubus to kill."
"My name is Gavin."
Chapter 8
Zeriel drew the ornate silver shortbow from his back and spread his wings out as he eyed his target from across the narrow street. It was far past time to show a demon what a Holy Angel could do. He wasn't about to let Jaylen be corrupted, defiled, or worse by a common incubus. He would defend his paladin's virtue and purity from anything that tried to shatter those vows of chastity and celibacy. A paladin, like his angel, must be pure in all aspects.
As the snow began to pick up, townspeople dashed inside the nearest buildings and locked the doors as women screamed and gathered up their children. When an angel drew his bow, everything became deathly serious. Trained and practiced to shoot at least two hundred arrows in a minute, an angel on the battlefield became a dangerous adversary to both humans and demons.
Zeriel let the arrow fly, streaking past Gavin's ear. Instantly, he summoned another and took aim through the curtains of blowing snow. For a minute straight, he unleashed an unstoppable barrage of arrows straight at the incubus. Once he was sure he had killed him, Zeriel drew one more arrow and cautiously stepped closer so he could get a better look through the fog of snow.
Gavin giggled as he held up one of the ar
rows in his hands and snapped it cleanly in half. He tossed the two pieces into the street as he drew two thin-bladed long daggers from behind his back. "Nice arrows. Seems that being so far away from your beloved Sola is taking the energy from your light magic as well, angel."
How did he do that? Zeriel stepped backwards in shock as he saw his once-indestructible arrows being broken like twigs by a demon that shouldn't even be able to touch those holy arrows without experiencing agonizing pain. Even their luster and glow had faded. With a scream of frustration, he summoned another and another, firing them faster and faster until he tried to summon one, but the bow remained empty. No. He jumped out of the way of the incubus's blades and attempted to summon another arrow. Nothing.
Zeriel spun around just as the light footsteps circled around him. When the razor edge sliced through Zeriel's thigh, he threw his bow with all his might, hitting Gavin in the stomach and sending him to the ground. He watched as the incubus howled in pain and pulled the bow from his side where it had impaled him.
Gavin ran at him with daggers flailing and dove head-first at the angel's legs. Zeriel landed a kick to the incubus's face and slammed him down on the snow-covered cobblestones. He pried the knives out of the man's grasp then turned them against him. Striking with both blades, Zeriel dug them deep into the screaming incubus's side, widening the already bloody wound. As the incubus writhed in agony, his dark purple blood soaked into the snow and sent steam up into the air.
A swift kick to Zeriel's groin sent him to his knees and groaning. Seeing the chance to escape what would have been certain death, Gavin grabbed his daggers and rolled backwards to get as far away from the angel as he could. Gavin was breathing hard and clutching his side as he screamed at him. "Enough, Zeriel. We don't have to kill each other!"
Zeriel regained his composure and stood back up. His hands tightened into fists. "Go back to Hell where you belong. One of us will die today, and I will make sure it's not me. This isn't about us. This is about you having the nerve to attempt to take my paladin away from me. That in itself is inexcusable."