Paradise of Lead Trilogy Read online

Page 10

  Damien takes the thin golden square from his back pocket and places it on his arm where it attaches and a tiny screen flashes to life. He dials in a number and waits for someone to accept the call. "This is Agent Damien Montgomery reporting in."

  The man on the other side of the transmission sounds furious. "Montgomery? Where in hell have you been?"

  "I've been working, Seth. Do you know how difficult it is to get anything done out here? Not only do I have these crazy Rubble Rebels to deal with, but inquisitors are like ants out here. They are everywhere."

  "That's Agent Seth to you, Montgomery. We're not friends anymore after your little stunt in Styx with that dark matter M.A.G.E. Very clever, but stupid. At least tell us you have Mr. Erikson."

  "I have Bryon Erikson right where he needs to be." Damien says.

  "You haven't forgotten about your directive, have you?"

  "Absolutely not."

  "Has he fallen for you yet?" Seth asks.

  Oh yah . . . that ridiculous plan. How could he have forgotten? "We need to come up with a different plan for that."

  "What happened?" Seth asks. "I thought you could do this."

  "I can't make a man fall in love with me. Besides, something came up. Byron found some whore in a bar and brought her along with us. Her name is Leena. I don't have a last name."

  "We need you to get closer to Erikson." Seth says.

  "I'm doing all I can." Damien says, getting a bit angrier now. Then he remembers that there is something more important that needs to be addressed and Seth is just the agent to do it. "There's something else, too. I need you to run a scan on a man named Blice McSage."

  "Is he a M.A.G.E.?"

  "Yes. Dark matter. Purple eyes and everything. I think he might be an inquisitor."

  "Inquisitor?" Seth asks. "Why on Earth would you think something like that?"

  Damien looks over the data on the screen. "Don't forget for one second that I used to be in the Inquisition. I know how they work."

  "Running the scan now." Seth says. "While we wait, tell me about Isidore Williams. Is he evolving?"

  "A little at a time. He had an interaction with a computer the other day and almost overloaded his microchip. He needs that new operating system as soon as possible. I don't think he actually has one right now."

  "I'm aware of that, thank you. I have programmers working on it. You have to keep an eye on him. You know he is the key component for W.A.N.D."

  Damien notices a strange file that wasn't there the last time he was in here. "I know."

  There is a loud error sound on the other side of the conversation.

  "What was that?" Damien asks.

  "Um . . . nothing. You shouldn't worry about McSage. He's clear."

  Damien could have sworn something was up with Blice. "Okay. Never mind, then. Tell me one thing. You knew that Isidore was the boy I saved, didn't you?"

  "Of course. We know everything."

  Damien tries to open the file, but it's locked. "I doubt that. Did you know that Byron tried to kiss me?"

  "So you are making progress."

  "I really don't understand why you couldn't have gotten a different agent for that part of this mission. I'm not into men."

  "Doesn't matter." Seth says. "You are trained to camouflage yourself and blend into different roles. You can do this. Think of it as one of the practice sessions in camp. We are counting on you. The next time you go for this long without reporting in, there will be severe punishments. You are the only person who holds the pass codes for W.A.N.D."

  "Yes, and I intend to keep it that way." Damien tries to bypass the security measures, but nothing happens. "It is my project and I will be the one to push the button when and if I deem it necessary."

  "It is necessary, Montgomery. Do you want to see your fiancĂ© ever again?"

  "What? Maria's alive?"

  "She's alive . . . for now." Seth says. "But only if you follow orders and do what we need done. We need Byron Erikson on our side. From the bits of footage our satellites have captured, we can tell that you and him have grown pretty close. You're friends now, aren't you? That's good. See? I knew you could do this."

  "I'm not pretending to be his friend. I do care about him." The file still won't open. What is this? The label says 449-072345-991123-1113-5-676623-0000002. Something about that seems familiar, but Damien can't remember.

  "That can either help or hurt." Seth says. "I'm not quite sure which that is yet. Remember that you used to be my friend as well and we both know what happened with that. So tell us, why are you still hanging around Rubble City?"

  "Byron likes it here. His little woman helps the children in town. Speaking of children, twenty-two children were rounded up and taken by the Inquisition a few days ago. Do you know anything about this?"

  "God, I hate those Inquisition bastards."

  "I need you to run a string of numbers through the scanner." Damien says. "449-072345-991123-1113-5-676623-0000002. I found a new folder on our console that wasn't there before. I don't know if this is Inquisition or not."

  "Running the scan now."

  "Oh, and what was this about punishing me? I'd like to see you try, Seth."

  "Agent Seth." Seth says.

  "Fine. Agent Seth. If you lay one finger on me, I will have you sent to the Inquisition and let them have their way with you. Or have you forgotten that we are equals? We share this position."

  "Not for long, if I have it my way."

  "Is that a threat?" Damien asks.

  "No, it's the truth. I am vying for Lead Mechanic."

  "Well, going to the hardware side of things, are you? Tired of spying?"

  "You know my forte is computers, not whatever it is you do." Seth says.

  "Our title is called Outlander Investigator for a reason. You can't be that stupid. I really do miss you working in the field with me. We made great partners. I know you still have hard feelings about our . . . incident, but I would really like it if we could work together again."

  Seth doesn't answer back.

  Damien has to know. "Were you lying about Maria?"

  "No. Your children are alive too."

  Really? Xavier and Zach. He misses them so much. "Are you sure? How are they? Are they still in Paradise?"

  "How the hell am I supposed to know?" Seth asks. "The only thing I know is that they are with their mother and they are alive."

  Damien crosses his arms. "I thought you knew everything."

  "I don't know the things that the government doesn't want me to know. Oh, the scan is ready."

  Damien leans back in the chair and waits for the response. "What did you find out?"

  No answer.

  "Seth, what is it?"


  "Agent Seth?"

  No answer still.

  "Answer me, will you?" Damien looks at the sensor. Connection Lost. "Damn it." He turns back to the folder on the monitor. That's odd. The security has been removed and he opens it. As soon as the numbers flash on the screen, the entire facility shuts down and the lights go black.

  Well played, Inquisition. Well played. It's a failsafe. It was designed to shut down any program that the number is entered into then send the device into a stasis until the proper security measures can be diverted. The cold realization hits him hard. Isidore. That was the same computer that Isidore touched. Oh God. That was the number Isidore saw in his mind. In the darkness, Damien jumps up and tips over the chairs as he tries to make his way out of the room and clumsily runs upstairs. If that number sequence could shut down these computers, Seth's scanner, and Damien's sensor communicator, then there is no telling what it will do to Isidore.

  * * *

  "Isidore!" Damien shouts at him as he runs up to him and grabs his hands. "Are you feeling okay?"

  Isidore looks at him like Damien is losing his mind. "Um, yes? Other than being both completely heartbroken and pissed off because Vanessa is gone."

  "I'm sure they will turn back up. Anyway, y
ou remember that string of numbers that you read off to me after you touched the computer the other day?"

  "I can access it in my mind. Is that weird? Touching that computer awakened something in my microchip and I can see different files and sort through them. I think I might be going insane."

  "You're not going insane. That's just part of your programming." Damien says. "Anyway, back to the important stuff. That string of numbers is designed to shut down any program that tries to access it without the proper clearance."

  "And your point is?"

  "You could shut down at any time. Can you find the file in your mind again? If you can, you should delete it as soon as possible. Whatever you do, do not open it."

  "Maybe I'll open it." Isidore smiles.

  "Don't do this. I'm trying to help you."

  "Oh really? Then tell me how you found all this out. Where have you been?"

  "I was . . . just looking for Byron and Leena." Damien lies, hoping that Isidore will believe him. He knows that he won't.

  "Is that right? Then what is that on your arm?" Isidore asks.

  Damien holds up his wrist. Shit. He pulls off the gold sensor and slips it in his back pocket. "Nothing. It was nothing."

  "You're working with the-"

  Damien presses the sensor up against Isidore's head and he collapses into the sand. He didn't want to have to do that, but Isidore gave him no choice. He picks Isidore up and half drags him over to the wall where they have set up a makeshift camp. He should start up again in a few minutes and have no idea about their past conversation. Damien will have to find another way to get into Isidore's mind and delete that file before something goes terribly wrong.

  He sits next to Isidore and thinks back over his conversation with Seth. It's too early to activate W.A.N.D. Everyone knows that. If they activate it now, both planets could be destroyed. Isidore isn't nearly ready to control something like that. Before the other day, Isidore couldn't even open files. This is going to take at least another two years before anything can happen.

  First things first. He has to find another program for Isidore, one that doesn't mess with the human side of his mind so much. His processor should be able to run a newer version of software at this point and even if he needs an upgrade to use it, they are close enough to Paradise to go find one. Getting out of Paradise isn't the problem. It's getting in first without getting killed. If Damien gets a chance to hook up a connection from Isidore's microchip to a computer and have a steady connection on the network, he could hack into the system and find one to download, but that's dangerous for everyone involved. Blice seems to know even more about computers and Isidore's programming than even Damien does. Would Blice help him if he asked? Probably not. Blice isn't the helping kind of person. Oh well. Seth should be working on developing a custom operating system for Isidore and it should be done soon. Damien just has to keep Isidore from killing himself until then. With a computer who only recently discovered he's a computer and goes around trying to make love to electronics, the odds of an accident are pretty high. Then there's the Inquisition.

  The universe would be a much better place without them. If they captured Isidore and took him into Paradise, Damien would never see him again and the only chance they've had to power W.A.N.D. would be lost. Then what? Damien tries to not think about the possibilities that lie in that direction. It is his life's work and he doesn't like having to rely on Isidore for the success of a mission that he has no idea about. In time, he will probably tell him about it, but until then, Damien has to keep his sensor close in case Isidore begins to suspect too much.

  * * *

  Isidore has finally started up again and Damien helps him to his feet. "Are you okay, buddy?"

  "I think so. What happened?"

  "You fell and hit your head. You blacked out. I've been here waiting for you to wake up again. What's the last thing you remember?"

  Isidore holds his head and closes his eyes. "I remember playing cards with you last night. Everything else is all messed up."

  Good. Just the way Damien wanted it. "I guess the impact jarred something and corrupted some of your files. It's okay, though. Nothing important happened anyway."

  "You seem to know something about all of this. Is there a way I can run a scan or something and make sure nothing else is wrong? I'm new to this."

  "Can you open any files or look around?"

  "Sometimes. Sometimes there's nothing and I get an error message about needing an operation system."

  That's what he was afraid of. "Apparently they never installed one for you. You were programmed to work when directly synced to another computer. Blice knows more than I do. Maybe you should talk to him and see if he can help you."

  They both look up as a vehicle come down the road, leaving a trail of dust behind it. Damien laughs when he sees Byron and Leena wave then park and turn the van off. This is going to be interesting.

  Isidore runs up to them. "Get out of my van now! What the hell do you think you were doing?" He wipes the tears from his eyes as he pulls Byron out of the driver's seat. "I could kill you right now. Never touch my van."

  "Hey, listen . . ." Byron starts, but is cut off by Isidore's screaming.

  "No. You listen. You know how much she means to me and you took her for six days. I thought she was dead. I had no way of knowing where she was or if she was even okay. I swear. If you hurt her, I will kill you." Isidore throws his arms across the hood of the van and cries.

  Everyone else watches with an expression of disbelief, shock, pity, and concern.

  Isidore stops crying and runs his fingers over the hood. He looks up at Byron. "Wait . . . the bullet holes are gone. You . . . fixed her."

  "Yah, we wanted to do something for you and for us taking her without letting you know." Byron says.

  "Thank you so much." He turns to the van and kisses the hood. "Are you okay, darling? Were they nice to you? Look at you. All polished and pretty. You look better than you ever have. Are these new tires?"

  "Yep." Byron says. "All for you, buddy. Sorry it took so long. I had to go win some money playing blackjack, but I got it all. There's something else, too. Start her up."

  He glares at them. "Why? What did you do?"

  "Just start the engine."

  Isidore reaches inside and turns the key in the ignition. When the engine starts, he covers his mouth with his hand. He runs around and lifts the hood. "You fixed the engine. She sounds so much better."

  "She should be good for you for another five years at least."

  Isidore wipes the tears from his eyes then embraces Byron. "Thanks, man. She's beautiful. This means a lot to me. This makes up for everything."


  "Leena, Blice, and I are going to check out an abandoned Inquisition armory and see if there is any kind of salvageable equipment in there. Anything in particular we need?" Byron asks.

  "If there are any computers in there, let me know when you come back." Damien says. "We are trying to get an operating system for Isidore."

  "I don't understand."

  "Isidore is a computer, Byron."

  "Part computer, thank you." Isidore says. "Be careful going around any Inquisition places. Even abandoned ones can be dangerous and if there are any security cameras still in there, it will only take minutes for inquisitors to be on the scene. You can't take them on your own. Are you sure you don't want us to come with you?"

  "We'll be fine. You aren't looking so good, Isidore." Leena says.

  "I'm having some weird buggy data issues."

  Damien comes up to them and whispers to them. "I think he might have a virus."


  "It's affecting him on both his computer and human side."

  Blice pulls out his notebook and scribbles something there. Tell Isidore to run a diagnostic scan. He shouldn't have any problems doing that.

  "He doesn't have an operating system." Damien says.

  Oh. Why doesn't he have one? Did the Inquisition never g
ive him one?

  "Nope. Either that or it stopped working for some reason. That's why I need you to look for any computers that we could steal a copy of an operating system off of."

  Blice shakes his head and writes another note. It won't work. He needs a specialized operating system that will be able to distinguish from the computer side and the human side. If you install the wrong one, his basic functions for life will cease and he will die. It is a very delicate balance. Just give me a little time and I'll get him one.

  Damien eyes him curiously. "How will you get him one?"

  I have my contacts and I know how to get things done in the wasteland.

  "Come on, we need to get there and back before nightfall." Byron says as he starts walking with Leena's hand in his.

  Blice and Damien share one last cold glare before Blice turns away and follows behind them.

  * * *

  It takes three hours of walking to get to the bunker that is half buried below tall sand dunes and piles of metal scraps. They go up to the door, but Blice taps Byron on the shoulder and holds up his notebook.

  You two go inside. I'll join you in a few minutes. I need to make sure the area is secure.

  Byron and Leena pry open the cracked door and step into the musty dimness. They look around at the lines of weapon lockers and gun cabinets. Fifty black safes line the walls. Byron goes up to one of the lockers. Empty. He checks another. Empty. Everything is empty.

  "Why is it empty?" Leena asks as she pries open a case with her machete.

  "I guess they moved the stuff already. I really thought we could find something in here. Wasn't this Blice's idea in the first place? Where is he?"

  The door opens and shouting fills the air. Leena screams and runs to Byron.

  Byron looks up and grabs Leena's wrist. What the hell is this?

  As the soldiers in black technical armor rush inside, Byron pushes Leena behind him and steps back towards the wall. If they try to hurt Leena, they will have to go through him first. His shotgun feels heavy on his hip. Should he reach for it? Not yet. They'll only see that as a threat and shoot.

  The crowd of soldiers parts and a tall silhouette stops in the doorway. Inquisitor Allen in his long tan trench coat enters the armory and the soldiers bow. He claps his leather-gloved hands together and slides his red sunglasses up on top of his spiky blonde hair. "Mr. Erikson. What a surprise to find you here, in our armory of all places. You know, for a fugitive, you sure don't know how to stay on the run."